Publicerat september 22, 2017november 8, 2017Stil i P1 Tilda was interviewed by the swedish radio P1, hear the episode called ‘Satans jävla kläder’.
Publicerat oktober 31, 2008april 21, 2015Angel 2008 Measures: 180x145x40cm. Material: clothes-trying-doll in textile, needles, paper-oblates, mask of paper, glues, pike and fox-teeth and more.
Publicerat november 5, 2004december 4, 2014More works The secret cupboard Circus Bianca Hope Im to sexy for my fur Music-machine dugong Requiem for cat and dove Drawing 70×50 cm Velvet night
Publicerat november 2, 2003april 21, 2015Shadowlands 2003 Shadow installation. Measure: about 1 x 2 x 2 m. Material: glass, nature material, cotton, cling film, candle, lamp and more.
Publicerat november 2, 2003april 21, 2015Mixed Media-baby 2003 Measures: 2 meters high. Materials: plaster, wax, glass, cardboard, monitor, lamps, nature-materials.