The comissioned artwork Vattenväsen has been installed at Brunnsskolan in Örebro. It consists of 4 larger aluminium reliefs placed on the facade of the school, and in the staircase of the entrancehall. The work was inagurated Mars 23rd 2018.
Read the description of the artwork.
Stenahallen, Göteborgs konstmuseum
Tilda is exhibiting at Stenahallen, Göteborgs konstmuseum with the exhibition Sandlands, 2nd Dec- 28th Jan 2018
See a filmed presentation of the exhibition
Stenastipendiet 2017
Stil i P1
Norrtälje Konsthall
The solo show The queen Conch, at Norrtälje Konsthall is
open from June 06 until Sep 03.
Läs artikel i Norrtälje tidning
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Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium
Tilda is taking part in the group show IF YOU DON’T LIKE ART, GOODBYE, FUCK OFF, GO HOME … Nordic Contemporary Art Collection – NoCo, kuratert av Göran Christenson, at Vestfossen kunstlaboratorium – Norway May 7- Oct 1.
Galleri Thomassen
The solo exhibition Meet me in the shadows at Gallery Thomassen in Gothenburg goes on from Mars 11- April 02.
Read article in GP
Read article in OmKonst
Konstkväll Lund
The animation ‘Vem är Gunnar?’ (2004) is taking part in a shortfilmprogram at Krognoshuset and the wall of Lunds Konsthall in Konstkväll Lund. October 15, at 7-11 pm.
Konst i ån
The annual group-exhibition ‘Konst i ån‘ takes place in the Norrtälje river outside Stockholm 1 July-14 August. Tilda shows new sculptures, called ‘The queen conch’.
On the opening day at 1 pm. there will be a performance in the river, together with Emma Broomé, Malin Stattin and Markus Öhrn.
Something written in Norrtelje tidning.
Bonniers Konsthall
Tilda shows two works in the exhibition ‘Collected works! 30 years with Maria Bonnier-Dahlins foundation. 22 May-28 August. On the photo: ‘My only sunshine’ from 2005.
Reviews: DN, P1 kulturnytt, OmKonst,
‘Defrost’ filmprogram
The animation ‘Landscape’ is taking part in the filmprogram ‘Defrost‘ at different locations in Norrland, curated by Vita kuben/ Norrlandsoperan. From 23 of April.
Public artwork installed
The public artwork Oraklet is now installed at Korsgatan/Kyrkogatan in Gothenburg, the inaguration was December 3, 2015. The sculpture is made of bronze and stone.
Shifting Sands
Tilda Lovell is exibiting together with Nadja Bournonville in the exhibition Shifting Sands
at Tete, Schönhauser Allee 161a, Berlin.
The exhibition goes on between 27-29th of Nov.
‘Oraklet’ Commissioned sculpture to Gothenburg.
Tilda is in the workingprocess with the commissioned sculpture ‘Oraklet’ (The Oracle).
The original Oracle is made of several materials, for example shells, cast of fish and bodyparts.
It will finally be made of Bronze and Stone and is to be installed at the crossing Korsgatan/
Kyrkogatan in Gothenburg, Dec 2015.
‘Inbetween’ Passagen konsthall
Tilda is taking part in the groupshow ‘Inbetween’ at Linköpings konsthall Passagen.
15 Aug.-27 Sep. 2015. Review Omkonst.
Shortfilms at Skanstulls Subwaystation
The animation ‘Landescape’ is now shown at Skanstulls Subwaystation
in Stockholm in S.L’s shortfilm-program.
1 June-30 Sep. 2015
The commissioned work Trädkroppen is now installed in Österskolan, Södra Sandby, Lund. The project is initiated by Lunds kommun through Lunds konsthall, see presstext. The opening ceremony was at April 9th, 2015.
Tilda is taking part in the groupshow for the support of Stockholms Stadsmission
at Lars Bohman Gallery, Stockholm.
Opening 11/12 17-20h.
Public artwork in progress
Groupshow. The exhibition is built around Ragnar Von Holtens works, and the participants have all
been awarded a grant from his foundation through The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm.
The exhibion goes on until 14th of Dec 2014.
Alma Lövs Museum
The permanent installation Beaver Chapel was built in The Finland Pavillion at Alma Lövs Museum in Ö.Ämtervik, Värmland, Sweden in June 2014. The exhibition is open every summer, June-August.
Bernadotte Art Awards
Lars Bohman Gallery
Solo show “Bone Black” at Lars Bohman Gallery Stockholm 1 – 30 March, 2014.
The End-Videoscreening
Tilda is participating with an excerpt from the upcoming animation “Landescape”
Husby konsthall / Stockholm 22 sep 2013, 14.00h